Here is an interesting commentary on the election of the fascist demagogue Donald Trump from the Facebook page of Mike Gimbel, a lifelong Communist from the United States.

Many good people are, for good reasons, horrified by the election, yesterday, in the US, of Donald Trump as President.
Donald Trump is just as arrogant, racist and Misogynist today, as when he was elected US President, in 2016.
However, there is a huge difference economically, politically and militarily for US imperialism, in 2024, from 2016.
The world has changed!
That is why we need to be confident that our working class and oppressed comrades should be optimistic!
In 2016 the US was able to intimidate and threaten every nation on the globe, with economic sanctions and military threats.
In 2016, every nation on the globe, even including China and Russia, had to measure very carefully, their actions and their words, in terms of how US-led imperialism would react.
US-led imperialism acted with confidence and arrogance, as WORLD HEGEMON, in 2016.
Today, in 2024, US-led imperialism is in the process of seeing its hegemony evaporate before the eyes of the people of the entire world and has become the object of hatred over its leading role in the genocide in Gaza.
When Donald Trump takes the oath of office, as US President, on January 20, 2025, he will face the world with his usual arrogance limited greatly, because he will be the leader of a hugely weakened world power.
Donald Trump’s arrogance and anger, therefore, can logically only be utilized WITHIN the USA, not externally against Russia and China, no matter how much he may wish to.
However, Logic is not Donald Trump’s greatest asset! We will have to wait and see whether the neocons around him will lead Trump into a stupid military misadventure, which will only ACCELERATE US-led imperialism’s collapse!
For now, it appears that Trump is determined to avoid such a war and, instead, to try to fight an economic trade war, not only with China, but with much of the nations of the globe! Not a wise move!
This economic trade war will further destroy the economic well-being of the US population, as an inflationary spiral would result from that trade war.
The Tariffs imposed on foreign goods, by Trump’s proposed economic policies, would have to be paid for by the working class at the checkout counters in the retail establishments, because most of the goods purchased in the US, will be of foreign production.
How will that strengthen US imperialism? It cannot and will not! It will just further weaken the economy as the purchasing power of the US population will decline drastically, forcing thousands of US businesses into bankruptcy, for lack of customers!
Trump’s election triumph will, at first, make his fascist followers ‘heady’ with hopes that CANNOT BE FULFILLED!
Trump’s slogan: “Make America Great Again” cannot be made a reality. That ‘ship’ has sailed!
US imperialism faces a hard reality:
US imperialism’s economy is being strangled by those 850 foreign military bases, which serve only TODAY, as ‘easy targets’, no longer as a projection of actual military power!
The monstrous cost to the US budget and the US economy, for maintenance of those foreign bases, will quickly become a dividing issue withing the capitalist ruling classes, within the USA, once the realization of the loss of effectiveness of those military bases, for demonstrating US imperialism’s military power, becomes apparent.
The US military Industrial Complex (MIC) is not the center of control of US capitalist rule, no matter how much some on the left may believe it.
What is a MIC used for?
It is the “WORLD POLICE FORCE” to protect US imperialist profits and the US capitalist ruling classes!
The MIC is just like your local police force, which is designed to intimidate the internal class enemy, whereas the MIC is the US POLICE FORCE for intimidating the EXTERNAL class enemy.
The Middle East Oil and Gas is the greatest source of profit for US-led imperialism and its capitalist ruling classes.
In the Middle East, the MIC is the imperialist protection force for that oil and gas predation of the Middle East.
The Zionist entity was set up as an imperialist MILITARY OUTPOST, for the MIC, to protect US-led imperialism’s predatory profits, against any attempt by nations in the region’s attempts to nationalize their oil and gas production facilities.
Donald Trump, in other words, is taking control of the leadership of US imperialism, with few, if any, ‘cards’ to play because the MIC, after losing wars in the Ukraine and in Palestine, is now draining the power of US imperialism, not the other way around!
In other words, Donald Trump cannot “Make America Great Again”!
His followers will be quickly disappointed!
Yes, the maniacal fascist ‘core’ of Trump’s supporters will ignore reality and are likely to try to smash everything and everyone to their left, when Trump is unable to fulfill their furtive dreams, but the mass of the population will move strongly to the left, in order to defend their standard of living, under the coming harsh economic austerity that Trump will be forced to implement.
In WWI and WWII, Germany was a rising imperialist power, with a huge industrial base. In both wars, Germany could hope to challenge US imperialism for world dominance, if it was able to place the entire European industrial base under its military control. (see my linked video, below, for historical background)
The US is not the Germany of those two wars!
Germany was an industrial power! The US de-industrialized!
The New York Stock Exchange cannot fight a war! It produces nothing!
Donald Trump’s confusion also comes from the fact that his wealth comes from completely outside of the industrial and manufacturing and mining sectors.
Trump is a ‘Real Estate Baron’.
Trump is just a BIG LANDLORD, the very epitome of a ‘rentier’ capitalist!
Capitalism is based upon production of goods, whereas a LANDLORD is a relic of FEUDALISM.
LANDLORD’s serve no purpose in capitalist production! They are the ultimate ‘bloodsuckers’.
In every revolution, the first target of the outraged masses, is the LANDLORD!
Donald Trump knows how to ‘Buy and Sell’, which is a relic of a long bygone era, but has little knowledge of CAPITALIST PRODUCTION! That is why Trump focuses on TRADE, not PRODUCTION, as the solution to the US imperialist economic problems!
Putting tariffs on goods entering the country, trying to force foreign capitalist to relocate their factories to the USA, in order to sell into the massive US market, is folly.
The massive rise in inflation, due to the cost created by those very tariffs, will be a huge disincentive to that investment, as it will cause the US market to shrink, simply because the US masses will not have the money to buy those goods!
As such, Donald Trump can be, and likely will remain, the ‘bull in the China shop’, breaking all the dishes. He can’t help himself. He doesn’t understand the economic system that he is the leader of. He has no vital connection, in his experience, to its CAPITALIST economic base.
The Democratic Party, representing the core of the US capitalist ruling classes, has decades of experience leading US CAPITALISM.
Donald Trump, however, is likely to make US-led imperialism go even quicker into decline simply because he has far less experience and far less necessary connections to experienced ruling class leaders needed to do the job. US imperialism has hired a veritable “Mob Boss” as its leader! A “Mob Boss” only knows how to run a ‘protection racket’, not an economy!
Yes, the near future, for the US working classes and oppressed peoples, may likely be made difficult, perhaps even in bloody confrontations, but that difficulty comes with an optimistic outcome a little farther ‘down the road’.