Solidarity with Partido Obrero against the repressive escalation of the Milei regime!

There was a raid on Monday, June 3, by the federal police at the headquarters of Partido Obrero, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The raid was carried out with the alleged objective of requisitioning documentation from Editorial Rumbos and work cooperatives. In the same vein as the intimidation against Partido Obrero, a series of summonses and raids had already been carried out with a view to “auditing” the social assistance against the piquetero mass organization Polo Obrero and its leader, Eduardo Belliboni.
This occurred as part of almost 30 raids last month and a massive operation of telephone taps by the repressive apparatus against piquetero organizations. Although all this is only a part of the escalation of the repressive actions of the Milei government. The piquetero organizations that were targeted are the Polo Obrero, Peronist Barrios de Pie and the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL).
All this as part of the persecution of leftist parties and social movements under the pretext of diverting resources linked to the Empower Work plans by the piquetero organizations themselves. In a context where the austerity of the Milei government cancels social programs including assistance to soup kitchens, this repressive policy against leftist parties and social movements aims to prevent the masses from organizing themselves in the face of the austerity policy in the social aid plans, using hunger as a form of social control.
The strategic repressive escalation has been going on since the beginning of Milei’s government. Already in December 2023, the Minister of Security Patricia Bulrrich advanced the repressive protocol in order to prevent political and social organization and seek to criminalize those who demonstrate. Today there is currently a repressive siege against the workers of the province of Misiones. As part of Milei’s policies of persecution, we must also include pressure against opposition journalism such as the censorship manoeuvres against Santiago Cuneo.
Argentine fascism is already resorting to the techniques of war against the poor that Zionist fascism is using in Gaza. While the Argentine population suffers hunger and looks for food among the garbage, it was discovered that the “Ministry of Human Capital” retained more than five thousand tons of food in its warehouses in Tucumán until it spoiled.
The regime is waging a combined campaign of extinguishing the social functions of the state, strangling mass organizations, and political repression against social movements and their left-wing political parties.
This continuous repressive escalation is the only way for Milei’s government to impose its brutal austerity against the masses. In this sense, the raid against the headquarters of Partido Obrero is part of the persecution by Milei’s fascist government against the piquetero organizations, it is part of the attempt to reinforce repressive policies in the face of the growth of popular struggles against hunger and fascism, thus making use of the repressive apparatus and judicialization.