Avenge Nasrallah and all the victims of Zionist Beirut massacre! Defend Iran against Imperialist attack!
LCFI and ClassConscious joint statement
Zionism has struck a seemingly devastating blow against the Arab and Muslim peoples with the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah and several other Hizbullah leaders by an all-out attack on a cluster of residential blocks in Beirut, in effect massacring the entire neighbourhood. This crime requires blood-vengeance against the perpetrators, to bring them to the final court of justice in the manner of the Nuremburg Trials after WWII, when many leading Nazis were executed. Now they have invaded Lebanon on the ground, in a supposedly ‘limited’ incursion, but they are pursuing a scorched earth policy, demanding that the population of 30 Lebanese villages flee. They should remember 2006 and their previous devastating defeat!
For all the vetoes by the Biden administration of hostile resolutions in the UN Security Council, for all their continued supply of weapons to Israel while periodically bleating about the need for a ceasefire in the Gaza holocaust, Trump goes one better from Israel’s and its powerful Western lobby’s standpoint in that he threatens to destroy Iran. This Beirut massacre has given birth to a Dutch auction of adulation of Netanyahu’s crimes as Vice President and Democratic Party Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris effectively hailed the murder of Nasrallah and pledged ‘support for Israel’. No doubt fearing that Netanyahu would like to turn the US election into a ‘Khaki election’ and get Trump back in on a wave of pro-Zionist anti-Arab racist hysteria.
The Zionists brazenly continue to slaughter civilians in Gaza even as they fail to defeat Hamas. But it looks like Hamas were more prepared to take on Israel than Hizbullah have proven to be so far. Hamas have had so many of their leaders murdered by Israel/Mossad over the years that they have become very security conscious. Whereas Hizbullah managed to allow themselves to be infiltrated, not least by Mossad technology, by sourcing such products in countries allied to Israel, such as Taiwan and Hungary. Arab militants in future will not be so naïve. It is likely that similar channels to this allowed Israel to track down the leaders of Hizbullah. This is unlikely to be allowed to happen again.
As communists, we seek to mobilise the world working class to defend the Palestinian, Lebanese and other oppressed Arab and Muslim peoples against Zionist imperialism, and its US protectors. But this is not an economic question: our role in the imperialist centres is to do everything we can to take the boot of our own ruling classes of the necks of the oppressed nations. In the oppressed countries, particularly in the Middle East/West Asia, the masses have a crucial role – not just in direct struggle with and through such popular forces as Hezbollah, but the doubly oppressed proletariat of Egypt, Turkey and elsewhere. An uprising in Egypt or Turkey with an anti-imperialist outlook that fights not only against their own comprador ruling class but also the Zionists and imperialists could totally change the equation in the Middle East/West Asia.
it is a question of making the international labour movement fit for political power by taking up the cause of all the oppressed. Today that is about the cause of the Arab victims of Palestine, Lebanon, and potentially the whole of West Asia including Iran. The whole idea of ‘condemnation’ of Israel in the United Nations Security Council is bankrupt and a dead end. There needs to be an alternative to the UN itself – BRICS, which already encompasses the majority of humanity, which it is now being suggested may merge with the Shanghai Cooperation Council, could become a practical alternative to the phoney UN – a repository for a world-wide Anti-Imperialist United Front.
The world is confronted with Israel, a rogue imperialist implant in West Asia, which is running amok and massacring whole populations in a truly demented fashion while trying vainly to consolidate and legitimise its rule on land stolen from the same Arab peoples, all of it! It has not succeeded in defeating Hamas, and once Hizbullah gets its bearings it will no doubt be back in contention also, but it is unrivalled in massacring civilians, including women and children, by the hundreds of thousands. It is likely that the death toll from Israel’s Holocaust in Gaza is around a quarter of a million or more, not the mere 40,000 that the Gaza Health ministry has been able to count.
This cannot be allowed to continue. As partisans of the Anti-Imperialist United Front, we must provide political leadership and advocate strategy and tactics for the forces that are actually fighting imperialism, to defeat this enemy. We call on the leadership of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea to declare a formal military alliance, a nuclear-armed coalition to stop Israel’s bloody rampage, and to use BRICS and the SCC to broaden its authority. Such a body must be prepared to confront force with force. In the countries joining such an anti-imperialist united front, the masses are also crucial. The governments of those bourgeois states and deformed workers states involved would be more likely and more able to fight a true anti-imperialist war if it was a popular war backed by and under pressure from their own working classes.
Fortunately, Nazi Germany was defeated by a military coalition, thanks above all to the heroic action of the USSR that swept Hitler’s army from Moscow to Berlin. Now, in its decline, the imperialist system established after the Second World War itself resorts to the most barbaric terrorism and Nazi methods in Ukraine, Gaza and Lebanon against the oppressed peoples, demonstrating that empires can be very dangerous in their moment of decline. The resistance coalition of the oppressed countries and peoples needs greater cohesion, centralisation and geostrategy to defeat the main enemy of humanity. And, within this anti-imperialist united front, the workers must be organized to fight permanently to transform the struggle against the imperialist system into the construction of the world socialist revolution.