By Naciye Suman
This article is being written on the 23rd August, which coincides with the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. It was on the 23rd August 1791, that enslaved people on the island of Saint Domingue (modern-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic) rose up against French colonial rule. The uprising played a crucial role in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade. A slave trade that ravaged the continent of Africa with around 15 million Africans of their sons and daughters enslaved and shipped across the Atlantic to the colonised ‘new world’. Around 2 million died in the middle passage, finding themselves thrown overboard to feed fish. Between 1640 and 1807, British ships transported about 3.4 million Africans across the Atlantic to create wealth for British capitalists.

Capitalism and its evil twin imperialism is responsible for war, oppression, and environmental destruction on a huge scale, holding the world to ransom and the potential collapse of the biosphere. European nations and their bastard children, the Anglo-Saxon colonies of the US, Canada, and Australia preach their advanced civilised enlightened state with claims of moral superiority, their shouts of “liberty, equality, and fraternity” as they act as the world’s police forces. In reality their colonisation and slavery have not ended but taken on a new respectful phase in oppressing the Global South with ‘trade and funding deals’, allowing corporate exploitation of the extraction of resources, leaving a wake of pollution and poverty behind, and when that fails should the natives resist, regime change, or the raining down of bombs.
Nothing epitomises this more of the value of white corporate individuals over their less worthy poor brown counterparts than the recent sinking of the luxury super yacht, Bayesian, when it capsized off the coast of Sicily in the Mediterranean. The Morgan Stanley International chair, Jonathan Bloomer, and UK tech entrepreneur, Mike Lynch, were among six people unaccounted for, with wall-to-wall coverage in the media and a well organised search and rescue attempt provided. Contrast this with around the deaths of 25,000 refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean to safety. The reality is that European lives matter, others less so. Not all lives are equal. Europe is more than willing to accept this as it pays Turkey to act as its gatekeeper. Where is the outcry in the press or on the TV channels? Where is the public outcry? Where are the protests? The only guaranteed response from governments is to administer further restrictions on those seeking asylum – even making it a criminal offence to assist refugees, even saving lives at sea, which is a legal obligation under international law.
The recent riots in Britain were attributed to an explosion of racism directed towards refugees and migrants. Responsibility for this is due to the demonisation of Muslims, refugees, and migrants, carried out by successive governments. As the embers from the flames of unrest still smoulder, instead of reflection Starmer’s response has been to act tough on asylum, the victims themselves of the recent riots. His attack dog, the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, has just announced a new ‘major surge’ in deportations of asylum seekers with the re-opening of two more detention centres and a promise to achieve the highest rate of removals since 2018. Detention centres are another name for prisons to place those already fleeing persecution, all designed to deter those seeking asylum. Being held in these places impacts on an individual’s mental health, sometimes leading to suicide. The UK has one of the biggest detention centres in Europe, near Heathrow airport. It is also the only European country without a maximum limit on the length of time an individual can be detained. Research has shown that asylum seekers are five times more likely to have mental health needs than the general population with 61% experiencing severe mental distress.
So much for our civilised nature and tolerant nation. But this should come as no surprise, Labour has declared its neoliberal intent and drawn its line in the sand. Its removal of the winter fuel allowance for over 10 million pensioners, while at the same time allowing energy companies who are making record breaking profits to raise energy prices by 10% later this year shows the utter contempt it has for its own citizens. Why should it care about anyone else? This is how capitalism views human beings, nothing more than a commodity whose labour is to be exploited while also being encouraged to consume and feed the system. When that productive cycle comes to an end, the parasitic nature of the capitalist system is to spit the person out onto the scrapheap to fend for themselves.
The othering and demonisation of refugees, migrants, and especially Muslims, is designed to distract attention from domestic policies but it also importantly feeds into Britain’s war narrative as well as. They are entwined. A clear example of this is how white refugees from Ukraine were immediately given sanctuary against the racist back drop of Russophobia and how these refugees were ‘just like us’, Europeans with descriptions of ‘blond hair and blue eyes’. This allowed the clamour for war against Russia in Ukraine. Contrast that with the Palestinians now facing slaughter with an ongoing genocide sanctioned by Washington, London, Paris, and Berlin. Where are the safe routes for brown Muslims trapped in Gaza being bombed with our bombs? Why? Because they are our bombs raining down. Where is the outrage against this other than through the sanitised demonstrations taking place on the streets in London. Demonstrations organised by Stop the War and the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign with the full co-operation with the institutionally racist Metropolitan Police to ensure that it doesn’t impact upon anyone. Permission granted by the authorities to object against our imperialist war with set times and set routes on set dates, anything outside of this is open to arrest.

The truth is that now not only is colonisation taking place elsewhere but that we ourselves are also being colonised. As individuals we are being stripped of our humanity, we are allowing ourselves to be conditioned to accept anything and everything being put before us as ‘truth’. We allow ourselves to yield, to become hypnotised, and act robotically to seamlessly slide into the capitalist system, to become validated by being told of our productiveness as if there is no other system to satisfy our needs. In this we have become desensitised to the suffering of others or to the complete destruction of our environment, which not only sustains us but also alongside all other life on this planet. We conveniently divert our gaze from uncomfortable truths; we see the footage coming out of Gaza of children torn limb from limb, mothers wailing that their children are buried underneath collapsed buildings. But these atrocities do nothing to wake us from our slumber. Anyone not having their conscience pricked and feeling anything but rage is just as complicit as those that drop the bombs killing children. We are complicit with our tax dollars going towards this murder. War and environmental destruction are signs that the system is broken, a system that places profit over people with profit central to imperialist greed. We as individuals are broken.
Israel’s ongoing destruction of the Palestinian population did not start on October the 7th 2023, it started in 1947-48 and has been ongoing in our name ever since. Israel is nothing but a settler colonial state, while not in the classic sense of having a mother country, it has several mother countries; those predominately being Europe and the US, particularly the former who not only saw a way out of their ‘Jewish problem’ but through collective guilt at their own appalling history of ‘Jewish hate’. Those that were going to pay for European antisemitism and the Holocaust were to be the brown Palestinians. It didn’t matter, it created opportunities, namely a European state planted right in the middle of a ‘barbaric Muslim’ Middle East, providing the colonisers and their backers a strategic foothold and undue influence in an area in abundance with black gold.
October 7th and ‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ is described as another Jewish Holocaust to justify the massacre of Gaza. It plays on the European psyche and how Europe facilitated the Nazis leading to the murder of 6 million Jews. It uses the memory of those massacred to facilitate its own massacre. Those colonised have had to face atrocity after atrocity directed towards them in the name of Jewish supremacy for decades. The massacres of civilians, the incarceration of adults and children without charge or trial, often with torture, the deliberate targeting of children by snipers, and expulsion from and the demolition of homes, are everyday occurrences for Palestinians. The brutality meted out towards the Palestinians from the pariah Zionist state’s occupation forces and its backers in the US and Europe have stripped the Palestinians of their humanity. Trying to reason with colonists on a humane political level has never worked, it just returns with more violence from an occupier that sees it as a sign of weakness. Stripped naked with constant violence the oppressed eventually come to a realisation of their own power and what it is to be human by uprising. This is what happened on October 7th. They have nothing left but to rise faced with almost certain death and the death of their children.
How dare these oppressor nations talk of being civilised when using bombs dropped from advanced jets to silence the oppressed, or talk of the crime of rape when Palestinian detainees are being filmed by their captors as they are raped, or talk of children being beheaded when decapitated babies are being brought out from underneath rubble as occupation forces blow up buildings and laugh about their exploits on social media. All this under the watchful eye of the West with full material and political support. The Palestinians and Muslims in general have been reduced to zoological terms, described as ‘animals’ or ‘swarm’, even ‘cockroaches’ by those justifying this murder. How do we expect those being oppressed to find themselves and react? The only option open is to meet violent colonisation with violent resistance. Those that advocate non-violence are just as bad as those that avert their gaze. There is no option for non-violence, it has been removed as any option by their captors. The truth is that as Israel looks into the mirror it sees its own reflection. The occupation has made this resistance and its turn towards violence. When their colonial masters elevate violence as being necessary to keep order, provide safety, or economic and national stability, then it’s obvious that the Palestinians will view the same to be necessary.
For too long this oppression has been camouflaged with talk of ‘Jewish safety’ and a ‘Jewish home’, terrorism, and a two-state solution. Many on the left have facilitated this crime by raising similar concerns while ignoring a simple fact, a brutal planted coloniser and those being colonised and removed from their land. These same leftists have become nothing but mouthpieces for imperialism. Why should a ‘diaspora’ who have had no connection to a land for 2,000 years, except through religious scripture, have precedence over an indigenous population who have land titles and ties to the land running through generations? Why do modern-day Jews have a manufactured ‘right of return’ when those being dispossessed do not? How can Jews that now identify with their state of Israel claim to be unsafe when safe with dual nationality in nations that manufacture an antisemitism crisis to create a hierarchy of racism to afford privilege? How can one right of ‘self-determination’ and removal from ‘oppression’ be granted while removing others from theirs. This is the hypocrisy of the West.

The reality is that the conditions on the ground in Palestine with Gaza destroyed and the Gazan population with nowhere to go, alongside with the annexation of east Jerusalem and the West Bank, it no longer allows for a viable Palestinian state alongside their murderous neighbour. Particularly one that has no intention of allowing it. The only option is a one-state solution. This presents problems for the coloniser, it undermines the demographic superiority of their state. Ultimately, it is for those that are occupied to decide what this one state looks like, not the occupiers. Where has history allowed the occupier to decide the terms of independence of the occupied and what sort of anti-imperialists are we should we argue against this? In the meantime, the Palestinians get to decide what their resistance looks like and what form it takes to shake off their chains. The West have no authority to moralise given their own bankruptcy.
This conflict and the bravery and resilience of the Palestinians, alongside the slide into fascism of the Israeli state will be Israel’s own undoing. It is eating itself from within as it becomes clear that oppression of the indigenous population is not leading towards ‘Jewish safety’ or solving its Palestinian problem. The drive religiously rightwards in Israel is creating political divisions, domestic unrest on the streets, increasing international ostracization, and its economic destruction. Only its Western backers are keeping Israel afloat, a West that that requires its own culture wars targeting refugees and Muslims as part of the wider ‘clash of civilisations’ pantomime to enable support for genocide.
It was no coincidence that Netanyahu said in address to the US Congress “We meet today at a crossroads of history. Our world is in upheaval. In the Middle East, Iran’s axis of terror confronts America, Israel and our Arab friends. This is not a clash of civilizations. It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization. It’s a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life. For the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together. Because when we stand together, something very simple happens. We win. They lose.” This is a call for a wider imperialist war in the region, divide the Muslim world, and justify more aid to its chronically and psychologically ill colonial partner. They talk of barbarism. This is the language of racism. Victory to the resistance and the Palestinian struggle.