Michael Pröbsting is a writer and International Secretary of the CCRI/RCIT group and has been prosecuted by the Austrian State for defending the Palestinian cause.
According to the website of the Pröbsting group, the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office launched a criminal investigation and initiated legal proceedings. Michael will be tried on May 2 at the Vienna Regional Court.
Pröbsting is accused of “incitement to commit terrorist crimes and approval of terrorist crimes pursuant to § 282a, section 2, in conjunction with article 1 of the Criminal Code”. The accusation is based on Pröbsting’s statements in which he expressed his support for the CCRI/RCIT in the fight for the freedom of two Palestinians. If he is convicted, the activist could face a prison sentence of up to two years.
Many bourgeoisies in the world have Zionist factions within them, especially the imperialist bourgeoisies, such as the USA, Great Britain, France and Austria. Also in Brazil, the Zionist fraction of capital controls the media and seeks to silence those who denounce the genocide with legal proceedings, in addition to being associated with Bolsonarist fascism throughout the coup process.
The LCFI stands in solidarity with Michael Pröbsting against the Austrian capitalist state, Zionism and imperialism, in the fight in defense of the Palestinian people.